benefits of termite inspections
  • July 31, 2024
  • Effective Building
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As a property owner, you’ve invested a considerable amount of money, time, and effort into the purchase and maintenance of your property. But forgetting a crucial practice like scheduling regular termite inspections can undo all that you’ve done to make your property more valuable and easier to occupy or use. Instead of an asset, your property becomes a financially-draining liability that you can’t sell without much difficulty and negotiation.

What a Termite Inspection Can Do for Your Property

A termite inspection plays a substantial role in protecting your property. Here are the major benefits of scheduling regular termite inspections as a property owner:

Benefit #1 Stop Structural Collapse

Extensive damage caused by termites can compromise the structural integrity of ceilings, walls, and foundations. In some cases, the damage is so severe that a property collapses. With termite inspections, you ensure that it doesn’t get to that point. If you don’t schedule regular termite inspections, you won’t know that termites have damaged your property to this extent until it’s too late.

Benefit #2 Save Precious Materials

Property components and furniture made out of wood are all susceptible to termite colonies. Though termites prefer some types of wood over others, they’ll still eat anything that has cellulose. Aside from wood, materials such as cotton and paper also have cellulose. If you don’t want your Egyptian Cotton sheets to become a termite feast, you should schedule termite inspections regularly.

Benefit #3 Uncover Hidden Problems

Termites favour environments filled with moisture. Though cellulose is their food, termites need sufficient water as well. This means that hidden problems such as leaky pipes and other unnoticed moisture sources can be discovered during termite inspections. While such problems are not always present with a termite infestation, you won’t know if that’s the case without a termite inspection.

Benefit #4 Prevent Unsightly Defects

Termites are known to be the “silent destroyers” of structures. However, sometimes these pests leave visible marks as well. These include cracks, gross mould growth, peeling paint, and termite droppings. By causing these aesthetic defects, termite activity significantly diminishes your property’s appearance. But regular termite inspections ensure that your property retains its appeal.

Benefit #5 Protect Your Property Value

Scheduling termite inspections on a regular basis makes it less likely for termites to make your property their next home. Inspections often include preventative measures to keep termites at bay. This is crucial because any evidence of termite activity can turn off potential buyers and lower the sale price of your property. A history of proactive maintenance, on the other hand, can be a selling point.
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About Elie Farah


Elie Farah is a Building Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the property industry. Elie has specialised knowledge in development acquisitions, blue-chip properties and inspections, as well as flood-affected and waterfront properties, heritage buildings, bushfire management and existing use rights.

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